Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Alecia Ohnemus' Maternity Portraits
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Kaitlyn's 5 year portraits
Friday, April 3, 2009

Picture a dirt road covered in beautiful azealas on both sides. So big and beautiful they will reach your car as you drive through. That is the beauty found at my childhood home.
For today, I simply see and am reminded of the azealas back home from the few I have now...

Wisteria, needs nothing else but a little rain drop to be absolutley gorgeous...
I've always been intrigued by birds. Today, I am reminded that our Lord, even as much as he loves the birds and takes care of them, he loves me more and all our sadness will pass. I needed this nest today. I needed it to remind me that I am the little bird, and I will grow from this, and one day fly away...just as the little bird...

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro 2

Don't you just love the hint of pink cheeks that I added bc they were in the original colored pic?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Let's take TWO!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Freeze, and then we'll Take Two!
So I won't go into all of it tonight because we are tired and gotta go to bed, but Matt's second elbow surgery is TOMORROW! We have to be in B'ham by 11:00 a.m. Please pray for him as he is going through the surgery and recoop, and for all of us to have a safe trip! Now, FREEZE! til later...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Info on the Infamous Doc which is soon to be OURS!!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
The sound of speechlessness...
Have you ever wondered what the sound of speechlessness would sound like?!? Well, let me tell you... I know exactly what it sounds like. Let me replay the situation for you...
Dr. Curtis, "First Xray, Perfect; Second Xray, everything looks great; Third Xray, looks good; Fourth Xray, (SPEECHLESSNESS)!!!"
It's odd for me to have a doctor that is speechless, but we didn't need any words. Let me continue with the story...
We all three stare at the screen, Matt's head hits the wall behind him, and my eyes immediately fill with tears. "Is that another break," I say. "Yes it is." Speechlessness.
To make a really shocking doctor's appointment that was supposed to be another "You're doing great and everything is healing perfectly," story short, Matt has a break on the other side of his radial head. It is much bigger than the previous break and will inevitably lead to another surgery. It is so large that the doctor wonders if a whole piece of his bone is missing. Not sure where that piece of bone is, but yet just another answer to another question that isn't being answered. For example, how did the doctor miss this break during the first surgery? Why didn't he take this particular Xray prior to surgery to go ahead and make sure there weren't any other breaks? And the list continues....
Well, to fast forward from Tuesday until today, Matthew has gotten in with Dr. James Andrews' clinic in Birmingham. Dr. Andrews is a very well known doctor who is sought after and used by many pro athletes throughout the world. Dr. Andrews has looked over his case and decided his colleague, Dr. Clancy, will be best for the job because of the "mystery break" Matt has. Apparently, this part of the radial head is really hard to break and Dr. Clancy is the doctor all other orthos go to when they don't know how to fix the bone that is broken. Leave it to our family to have a break that no one is supposed to have!
We are quite excited to have such a good specialist waiting for us and prepared to take on the apparent "odd" case of my husband's elbow. Our appointment is Monday at 1:00. We know we are in the hands of an awesome surgeon and we are so thankful for that, so please say some prayers of thankfulness and hope that all will be well.
Monday, February 23, 2009
My little valentine blessings...
What a serious post that last one was...whew, thank goodness it's over! No seriously, thanks a BUNCH for all your prayers. We have felt them and definately needed them. Thank you all soooooo much!
On a lighter and sweeter note for a belated Valentine's post, these are a few pics I took with my new camera. Thanks Boo for my awesome Valentine's present!!! :) We love our MMA and the sweet treats it gets us! The pics are totally raw and unedited and still very deep and tell such a story. I hope you enjoy them and know that our family hopes you all had a day full of hugs, kisses, hearts, chocolates, and of course, love!
Here are my lovies...
Natasha, or as I have nicknamed her, Na-Na
Our youngest, and such a blessed addition that adds such sweetness to our lives. Especially her sister's!
Not everyone finds her to be so adorable, but she's still my precious baby. All 57 parts!
What to say about him! Our oldest but definately still momma's little man.Last but not least, the love of my life being his back to normal, goofy fun loving self who manages to steal my heart all over again every day!
Thank you God for giving him back to me :)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thoughts, Randomness, More Thankfulness.
This is the second post of the day, and DEFINATELY not the most important so please read below. I have known that I needed to update you all, but to be honest, I haven't had the words to share. Matt and I have so many things going on right now and we have just felt like we shouldn't burden anyone else with the fears and tears, and then those thoughts of selfishness are reinforced when I think of that sweet baby girl Tuesday. What an emotional wreck I am and in the whole sceam of things, probably have no true reason to be.
Matt got a good report on Tuesday when he went in for his "week after operation" doctor's appointment. His arm is healing well and his therapy has begun...
Matt needs prayers. He is struggling so badly with the possibilities this therapy may create, or take away. He has fears of the future and what may or may not still be an intrical part of his life. He is in such pain. Emotionally and physically. He feels like a failure because he can't work and provide for his family like the man is thought to do. I've never seen him at such a low part in his life and it brings me to tears on a daily basis.
I need prayers. I need to be a strong wife and companion for him now. I am trying so hard, but I feel like I am failing him everytime I cry. I don't do it in front of him, but does he see it anyway? Can he feel it in my heart when he craves to just simply cuddle and that simple task, one of our favorite pasttimes, is so much harder than it has ever been? I know this is so much harder for him than me but yet I feel as though its just too much for me.
More Thankfulness. How do you thank people that are so incredibly special you can't even begin to show them how thankful you are for them? How do you tell them their late night "Spontaneous Pick Matt's Spirits Up Nights" are what you live for now and it's all because of them? How do you tell them their weeky meal nights have been what is keepig you going? How do you tell them that their totally unending friendship is what you have needed for so long to feel complete and whole? How do you just simply say Thank You and KNOW, to the deepest parts of your soul, that they completely know how thankful you are for them? I don't know that I ever will be able to just simply say Thank You and KNOW, but I am sure going to try. Thank your Chris, Tiffany, Kevin, and Alecia. We love ya'll more than words can say and want you to hear Thank You.
I would never want to leave our families out either, so please know we are oh so thankful for them as well. God knew what families we needed in our lives, and man did he bless us beyond belief. Thank Ya'll and we love you more than words can say.
The tears must stop. My wonderful hubby is calling. I am so blessed and I MUST Thank my God now. It's after the school day, and my other life now begins. I must now put back on the strong face and hide my own fears and tears and head home to Matt. Please pray for us. Please pray for him. We love you all, Katie